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​We are thrilled to announce that on May 29th–31st, Landmark Baptist Church will host the inaugural

Summit Youth Conference! This event has been on the hearts of our staff and church family for some

time, and we are excited to see how God will work through it.


The theme of our youth conference is “Answering the Call,” inspired by Judges 6 and the story of Gideon. In this passage, we see God’s divine calling on Gideon’s life despite his doubts. Our prayer is that through the preaching of God’s Word during these three days, revival will stir in the hearts of the teens. We hope they will return to their home churches transformed and ready to answer God’s call on their lives.


Our guest speakers will be Dan Preston, pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas, and Taylor

Gillaspie, pastor of White Drive Baptist Church in Batesville, Arkansas. Special music will be provided

by a summer tour team from West Coast Baptist College as well as the Morgan Family, church planters to Raton, New Mexico.


The cost for the conference (excluding lodging) is $40 per person if registered by May 1st. Registrations

made between May 2nd and May 21st will increase to $50. For accommodations, local hotel options are

available, including Comfort Suites, which offers a discounted church rate.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact us.

​Register using the form below. 

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